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Many of investors and big farmers in “Al-Mughra” oasis in the Western Desert are planning to transform it into the largest agricultural region, south of the new city of El Alamein, through agricultural investments exceeding 5 billion pounds during the next five years.

About 500 agricultural companies own lands in the Al-Maghra about 60,000 feddans, ready to start cultivating during the coming period, near the completion of the new road, which represents one of the reasons for the real development of the region.

Abdel Qader said that the establishment of a new road for the region is a key to the development of approximately 220 thousand feddans of the finest types of agricultural land ready for cultivating in that region within the project of a million and a half acres.

One of the specialized companies in planting jojoba in the Middle East has finished cultivating 12 thousand feddans so far, and now it is cultivating 5 thousand new feddans in the region during the coming months, out of the total area allocated to them 3 years ago which is about 21 thousand acres.